Monday, February 21, 2011

Learning... she just loves it

You also need to know that Cathy loves to learn. She thinks that it's the coolest.

Cathy loves learning so much that she somehow forced that love on her children. We love to learn, too. There are three people in the family with master's degrees or better. Of course, Cathy is one of them. She loved the learning she did to earn her graduate degree. Most people with graduate degrees love their degree more than the learning. Not Cathy. She loves to learn just to learn!

I'm learning right now. A lot. Graduate courses in eLearning design are like a learning double whammy. On the side (read: 40 hrs per week) I'm now learning how to be a teacher again. A teacher of teachers. First day on the job and I'm already exhausted.

Cathy would love to have learned what I did today. I know because I loved learning it myself.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day One

First day of the thank you Cathy blog.

The first thing to know is that Cathy is my mother. The second thing to know is that she wouldn't want to be thanked by one of her sons. I don't mean to say that she would resent being thanked. Quite the opposite - it would probably make her day. The thing about Cathy is that it would never occur to her to want something like recognition from her boys.

Personally, I love to be recognized. Most people do. Not Cathy.